Everyone knows the first step to selling your home is deciding to list it…but then what?! There is a lot of preparation that goes into successfully selling your home that many people don’t think about. Luckily, after years of experience, I’ve come up with a checklist of 10 things to do before you sell your home! Let’s make the selling process as smooth as possible! 

10. Look at your house as a buyer, not a seller. 

If you were going to be the buyer of this house…..what do you see?  This change in perspective can help when preparing your home to sell.

9. De-clutter. 

Too much furniture in a room makes it look small.  If you are planning to purge items before your move – do it now!  Use FaceBook Marketplace or a yard sale to sell these items or donate the ones you are not going to take with you to your next home.

Photo: Houzz

8. De-personalize

Photos of your beautiful family are wonderful on your walls and bookshelves when you are living in your home but they can be distracting to a buyer when you are selling your house.  It’s always reccomended to de-personalize each room before putting your home on the market.

7. Patch Up and Freshen Up 

Now that you have taken down personal photos, awards and diplomas…it’s time to patch holes and freshen up the paint.  If your house needs a new, updated color on the walls consult with a designer or just watch a weekend of HGTV to get inspired!

6. Organize and Clean Your Closets  

When all of your towels and sheets are folded neatly and organized in your linen closet it looks like there is more space – which is ideal to buyers.  Closets in your bedrooms should be tidy and uncrowded as well.  Buyers need to see that the storage areas in your home are spacious.

Photo: West Elm

5. Take Care of Quick Fixes 

Are there simple repairs that are needed?  A broken baseboard or a loose tile?  Light fixtures broken or outlet plate missing or cracked?  These are fairly inexpensive to fix and makes for a better first impression. 

4. Change Out the Old 

Switch out all burnt out lights and replace all air filters!  These small changes say that you have cared for your home and paid attention to the details. 

3.  Clean Up the Yard 

Now let’s go outside.  A neat yard with cut grass and trimmed shrubs will make a huge first impression.  Add potted fresh flowers for an extra pop.

Photo: Southern Living

1. CALL ME! 

If you are ever in need of help or have questions about how to prepare your home to sell, contact me!  I  have 14 years of experience and will work tirelessly for you!

The time between deciding to sell your home and actually putting it on the market is stressful!  A lot of unexpected things may come up that can delay the process and keep you from getting your home listed right away, which is why I wanted to share this checklist of Ten Things to Do Before You Sell Your Home with you!  Now if you’re considering selling your home you know exactly what steps to take to make the process as easy as can be.

For other tips on selling your home, check out my other blog posts!  How to Make a Home Sell Fast and How to Add Value to your Home with an Outdoor Living Space are two of my favorites!


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